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Unix theme for Pterodactyl 1.10.x

Unix theme for Pterodactyl 1.10.x

#1 Pterodactyl Premium Theme

The theme is generally good, but the mobile ui is soooooo bad, first you need to enable navigation on mobile then you realize that navigation takes like 30% of your screen. This theme would be alot better if it had a better mobile experience.

4.1.5 • 5 months ago

A very good theme that is looking good and the drag and drop is very simple

2.7.1 • over 2 years ago

Incredible! All you had to is just drag and drop and 1simple command. It's done for you! Highly recommended!

2.1.0 • over 2 years ago

An amazing theme that adds more than just visuals.

1.9.1 • over 2 years ago