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**Unix ** is now available in React :tada:

Since most of Pterodactyl's frontend consists of React, we've decided to match that theme and recode Unix to React. This brings some performance upgrades and overall, a better and smoother experience for end users. You now also will have an easier time using Unix with other addons.

Before we make an official release, we are looking for users who are able to test the new recoded version and provide feedback. You may follow instructions below to upgrade.

**How to Upgrade (BETA)** (It is advised that you make a backup or test on a staging panel)
1. `cd /var/www/pterodactyl`
2. `php artisan unix restore`
3. You are pretty much done but might see visuals bugs, this is because you haven't cleared cache. Type `/support cache` in here for more information

Feedback and questions #💎unix-pterodactyl channel in our discord server

Credits to @PadowYT2#1148 for making it happen :yeey:
about 1 year ago